Make PR Great Again is the top-performing, on-demand PR service for American small businesses and patriot entrepreneurs that drives YUGE RESULTS. Own the narrative & WIN BIGLY.
Ordering online or calling us takes just minutes. Launch PR campaigns anytime for anything. No contracts. No limits. No BS.
No snowflakes, DEI hires, or foreign influences here. We're proud Americans who love this country & patriots like you.
While others suck up to the media, we penetrate right through to thrust your narrative into every influential outlet.
In a world dominated by fake news and globalist corporations, controlling your brand’s story is crucial. Make PR Great Again empowers American small businesses to take charge with high-energy, results-driven press releases, articles, and social media discussions, without any of the BS.
Take command of your brand narrative, rise above & win BIGLY.
We help spread your press release & narrative everywhere so you reach, impress & sell more qualified customers.
Reaching vast audiences through traditional, widely recognized media outlets. This package guarantees placements on 147 reputable sites, including AP News, Fox, NBC, CBS, and Digital Journal. Enhance your PR campaigns with credibility and extensive exposure.
* Local Media Outlets.
Amplifying your reach with guaranteed placements on 450 prestigious news outlets. This includes high-profile platforms such as Business Insider, Benzinga, Digital Journal, AP News, NewsMax, Fox Media Outlets, and TV Station Media Sites. Ideal for maximizing visibility and impact, ensuring your message resonates far and wide.
* Local Media Outlets.
Captivate highly targeted audiences with unique news stories and featured articles tailored to your objectives. Published on trusted, independent, and high-authority news sites within your specific industries or niche, these outlets provide targeted reach, specialized influence, and front-page coverage. Independent publishers with an average audience of 140,000* readers per month; ensure your message reaches the right eyes effectively.
* Varies by site & industry; minimum of 10,000 monthly readers,
Secure a unique story placement on exclusive, high-end websites catering to affluent and discerning readers, attracting tens of millions monthly. Premium sites such as WSJ, Bloomberg, Financial Times, Forbes, NY Post, TechCrunch, Huffington Post, IBTimes, and offer unparalleled prestige and impact. Elevate your brand’s visibility and credibility among influential audiences with these esteemed platforms.
Amplify your message through influential social media channels and digital platforms for immediate and enduring impact. Leverage the power of top influencers and viral posts on platforms like Quora, Reddit, X, Instagram, and LinkedIn to maximize engagement and reach. This strategy ensures PR diversity and media independence, enhancing your brand’s presence across multiple channels and tapping into vibrant online communities like Trump.
Each publication & positive mention is a brick in your branding wall of trust and credibility. The taller the wall, the less fake news can penetrate, and the BIGGER the wins. YUGE!
No matter the event, announcement, or crisis, Make PR Great Again has you covered. Our versatile PR services are designed to fit any occasion, ensuring your message is heard loud and clear. Trust us to elevate your brand and dominate the conversation.
American Businesses have broken their marketing goals with Make PR Great Again. Customers around the country have discovered the power of owning the narrative of their brands.
Customer satisfaction
PR Campaigns
US Businesses
Quick, efficient, and effective branding and public relations for American businesses. I've ordered campaigns for all three of my businesses and every time the results are YUGE! Tons of news coverage and independent blogs and niche news sites writing about us, and a wave of new users and sales. Not to mention our SEO has never been better. Based company and repeatable BIGLY results earns them a HARD 5 STARS!
I had my doubts about this company, but I took a shot and was very impressed with the results. German made it extremely easy and went above and beyond to make my experience nothing short of great. We got the perfect news story published on over 478 news sites and a front-page coverage on one of our top sites in our niche.
"This company represents American excellence. Their PR strategies are spot on and they deliver on their promises. We're thrilled with the results!"