Powerful Social Proof: How Great Logos & Press Increase Trust

Folks, one of the biggest things designers miss on their landing pages is social proof. We’re talking about user reviews, testimonials, big names vouching for your website. And believe me, when the big guys speak, people listen. You can do this in many ways, but let’s focus on a hot trend: logos and press mentions. It’s a small move, but it packs a big punch.

Feature Recognizable Brands for Maximum Impact

First and foremost, you need brands that people trust. That’s the whole idea behind social proof. Slap those recognizable logos on your page and visitors will say, “Wow, if they use this website, it MUST be good.” Take a look at the SatisMeter homepage—notice the “happy customers” logo section?

How many of those companies do you recognize? Probably a few. The power of a big-name logo grabs attention. If you’ve got customers from big brands like Walmart, you’re golden. Just make sure your claims are truthful. Don’t make stuff up; it’ll get you in trouble.

Another example I like is SmartFBA.

They don’t just promote companies that have used the site—they showcase media mentions from big names like Forbes, Yahoo Finance, and LA Weekly… That’s the social proof you want, folks. And it’s something MakePRGreatAgain does for businesses everyday. Visitors will be absolutely sold on trusting your Amazon Automation solution with all this tremendous media praise and top-notch features. It’s perfect, believe me.

Striking the Perfect Balance: Clear Yet Subtle Logos

When you add these logos to your page, you want them seen, but not annoying. Strike a balance.

Look at Freshworks—they’ve got a well-blended full horizontal row of brands that trust their services. The logos are small but recognizable: Pearson, Bridgestone, Orderin.

ExpressVPN goes for a tighter center horizontal section for logos. They don’t take up a massive amount of space but are clearly visible as you scroll. Find your balance with any logos you add.

Seamlessly Integrate Logo Colors with Your Design

A great way to integrate logos into your layout is to blend their colors. Many websites restyle logos to match their color scheme. For instance, Freshworks above uses a dark section for “customer logos,” and the logos are monochrome to match. They blend naturally into the page but are still noticeable.

On the ExpressVPN homepage, greyscale icons blend with their neutral colors. Easy to do in Photoshop—import a PNG/SVG, change it to greyscale, export. Simple!

The Campaign Monitor landing page does something similar.

Leverage Press Mentions for Enhanced Credibility

Besides brand logos, add press logos when your company gets mentioned on big news sites.

Check out GiftRocket near the footer. They’ve got press logos from Mashable, Bloomberg, and more, along with quote snippets of each, emphasizing on that sweet media praise for a one-two punch.

This type of social proof can radically affect people’s perceptions of your website. If Mashable mentions you, you’re doing something right.

Giftly has a “Featured On” section with press logos and links directly to the articles.

This proves the news site actually wrote about the product. Almost mandatory if you want to build trust. Giftly also uses the blending technique with grayscale logos. Big league move.

Well, let me tell ya, folks, I’ve been in business for a long time, and I know a thing or two about success. And you know what? This social proof trick is the real deal! I mean, you start looking around, and you’ll see that all the big businesses and the hottest startups are using it to boost their conversion rates.

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Even the best landing pages out there know the score.

The Path Forward: Harness Social Proof To Win

Social proof is powerful. It’s one of the best things you can add to any page to build trust and boost conversions. Take these ideas and work some logos into your landing pages. You’ll see the difference. Trust me.

Use MakePRGreatAgain to get press and media coverage, which will boost your social proof and bring in more customers. Then, you can use their logos to increase social proof further and continue the cycle.

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